LoRa Alliance

Packetworx is the first and only member of LoRa® Alliance in the Philippines. LoRa Alliance is a worldwide alliance of over 500-member companies that support the standardization of LPWAN and LoRaWAN® specification and has created a certification and compliance program to ensure interoperability among its members.
We use the leading LoRaWAN® standard and solutions that provide our partners long-range sensor and control capability devices. LoRaWAN® is a Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for wide area networks, which is the global de-facto standard for IoT and the foundation of the LoRa Alliance.

Designed for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, LoRa® fulfills vital technical requirements such as bidirectional communication, end-to-end security, mobility, and localisation services. LoRa® usually operates within license-free sub-gigahertz radio bands and this gives anyone the freedom to build a LoRaWAN® network. LoRa® technology enables very long transmissions while using exceptionally low-power consumption.
LoRaWAN® is the network protocol on which LoRa® operates. The LoRaWAN® specification directly influences the battery lifetime of a device, network capacity, quality of service, security, and the variety of applications served by the network.